Checkups Bodhgaya 2015-09

Checkups and health instructions at Dhargye Chokhor Ling Monastery in Bodhgaya/India
Sept. 2015: All lamas and monks of Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and Beru Kyentse Rinpoche organized a KHCP-health checkup in Bodhgaya. After that, the physicians gave heath instructions...

Happy Birthday Karmapa 2016-05-06

2016-05-06: "Happy Birthday Karmapa" celebration at Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche´s monastery in Nala/Nepal
The young monks and lamas of Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche sent us photos and paintings of their celebration of the birthday of Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thay Dorje.
Watch the nice gallery...

Gallery Earthquake Nepal "1 Year AFTER"

Reminder Gallery Earthquake Kathmandu "1 Year AFTER"
This image gallery should remind of what had going on in Nepal and what´s to do over the next years. KHCP supports 13 Kagyu-institutes incl. orphanages in Nepal and collaborates with Dhulikhel Hospital near Kathmandu. Furthermore in 2016 we started to organize education classes in order to be prepared for such disasters.

Annual Report 2015

Annual Report 2015:
...for the 10th anniversary of the Project ... Following the earthquake in Nepal, an enormous force of donors and helpful connections was mobilized. We managed to collect more than 170,000 Euros and distributed it to all our institutes in Nepal
...Over the year we ran numerous medical and dental camps at our institutes, monasteries and schools in the Himalayas...The 8th Monlam Medical Camp with more than 40 helpers from the “East and West” managed to treat over 3,000 people. Karmapa took the time to hold a meeting with all leaders of Karma Kagyu Institutes and Projects...

Works Meeting Bodhgaya with Jigme Rinpoche and Sharminub Foundation

Works Meeting Bodhgaya with Jigme Rinpoche and representatives of Sharminub Foundation, KHCP and the Dhulikhel Hospital during Kagyü Monlam in Bodhgaya/India
On 16th of December 2015, we all had a very fruitful meeting. As you know, it was arranged to extend our KHCP work to Sharminub. This plan is now being realised. With this meeting the representatives agreed on the following...

Medical Camp Nala DSL 2015-03

Medical Camp at Dhagpo Sheydrub Ling Monastery in Nala03-2015: KHCP-DHK-Medical-Dental Camp at Dhagpo Sheydrub Ling Monastery in Nala/Nepal
Medical services and teachings have been provided by Karmapa´s Healthcare Project/Dhulikhel Hospital at Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche´s monastery in Nala/Nepal.. 2016: Regarding nurses at Nala monatery. She already started to stay in Nala monastery after completing of 4 weeks training in our hospital. We are setting up the clinic. Dhagpo Sheydrup Ling Foundation are very happy for us.

Karmapa Works Meeting Bodhgaya

12/2015: Karmapa Works Meeting during Kagyü Monlam in Bodhgaya/India
On 17th December 2015, H.H. Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje held a meeting for all Karma Kagyu monasteries, Rinpoches, NGOs and Projects at the Karma Gompa in Bodhgaya.
H.H. Karmapa stated that he gathered everybody as he wishes to enhance collaborations between the different groups.
The main points of H.H. Karmapa’s talk will be summarised in this report...

Medical Camp Kagyu Monlam Bodhgaya 2015

12/2015: 8th KHCP-Medical Camp in Bodhgaya/India
The Kagyu Monlam 2015 took place between December 15 and 21, with thousands of devotees in attendance... For the 8th time this year, the KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project provided free medical checkups and healthcare for participants in the Monlam as well as the local population. About 4,000 patients were treated by 50 voluntary helpers: general practitioners, EENT, orthopedist, dentists, opticians, physiotherapists, Tibetan medicine, acupuncturists, nurses, assistants, organisers and helpers from a total of nine nations..

Video | Karmapa departures with helicopter from Nala

Nala / Nepal - Nov. 02-06, 2015
Inauguration of Dhagpo Sheydrup Ling Monastery of Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche

After the ceremonies H.H.17.Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje
departures with a helicopter to visit a meditation cave in the high mountains.
Switch on your speaker and watch the video clip ...

Inauguration/Medical Camp DSL Monastery Nala 2015-11

Medical Camp for Inauguration DSL Monastery Nala 2015-11:
Our volunteers and team doctors from KHCP/Dhulikhel Hospital provided a medical camp during the inauguration of Dhagpo Sheydrup Ling Monastery of Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche in Nala. Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje leaded the ceremonies...

Fund-Raising Rumtek 2015

Fund-Raising Announcement/Report of Kagyü monasteries in Rumtek/Sikkim/India
Our friends in Rumtek need help - despite earthquake in Nepal we have´nt forget the indian sites. The life in Rumtek is very poor and medical support is far away. Since 2005 the three Karma Kagyü institutes are supported by KHCP-Karmapa´s Healthcare Project. In summer 2015 the three Kagyü-sites requested KHCP to fund-raise some money to liftup the miserable conditions. Please help! Read more for full photo report >>

10 Years Anniversary of KHCP Karmapa Healthcare Project

khcp matrix10 Years Anniversary of KHCP Karmapa´s Healthcare Project ...
At the summer course 2005 in Kassel a first works meeting of Hannah Nydahl, Pia and Peter Cerveny happened. After she made the link to H.H.Gyalwa Karmapa. Two month later Pia and Peter went up to Karmapa´s university (Shedra) in Kalimpong/North-India. Over 4 weeks they had diverse works meetings with Gyalwa Karmapa developing the ideas of a healthcare project for his monks and nuns.
On Oct. 25, 2005 the KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project was founded by a letter of Gyalwa Karmapa.
This gallery gives an overview about "How it began and what the project has achieved" >>