Gallery Earthquake Nepal "1 Year AFTER"

Reminder Gallery of the Earthquake Kathmandu "1 Year AFTER":
This image gallery (scroll page down and mouseover the pics!) should remind of what had going on in Nepal and what´s to do over the next years.
KHCP supports 13 Kagyu-institutes incl. orphanages in Nepal and collaborates with the Dhulikhel Hospital near Kathmandu.
Furthermore in 2016 we started to organize education classes in order to be prepared for such disasters.

Please consider that such an earth quake leaves a workload behind for many years. So we need a sustainable support, best as a standing order.

!The previous Postbank is still running!

New Donation Account

Account Holder: KHCP e.V.
Sozialbank AG
IBAN: DE34 3702 0500 0020 1467 11
Account No. 20146711 | BIC: BFSWDE33XXX

Or donate one-time or monthly directly here
Online via PayPal


Nepal earthquake map


The kids of Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche



Gompa of Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche (previous/after)




  • sharminub
    Cracks at Sharminub, but generally stablecracks at sharminub
  • swayambhu Sleeping ousideSwayambhu sleeping ousideswayambhu Sleeping ouside


KHCP Medical Camps in Kathmandu
  • Free medical camp at Braga GompaFree medical camp at Braga Gompa...Free medical camp at Braga Gompa
  • joint KHCP/Dhulikhel Hospital campaign...a joint KHCP/Dhulikhel Hospital campaignjoint KHCP/Dhulikhel Hospital campaign
  • swayambhu The doctor teamThe doctor teamswayambhu The doctor team


  • Dhulikhel helicopter landingDhulikhel helicopter landingDhulikhel helicopter landing
  • Dhulikhel Hospital KathmanduEmergency hospitalisationDhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu
  • Dhulikhel Hospital - doing OPs without having AC-powerDhulikhel Hospital - doing OPs without having AC-power!Dhulikhel Hospital - doing OPs without having AC-power


KHCP Medical Camp in Pokhara
  • Health instructions pokhara kdcHealth instructions...Health instructions pokhara kdc
  • pokhara kdc... and screenings in Pokharapokhara kdc
  • kimdol tsechu... and Kimdolkimdol tsechu


KHCP Medical Camp in Nala
  • pokhara kdcHealth instructions...pokhara kdc
  • pokhara kdc... and screenings in Nalapokhara kdc
  • Boudhanilkanta...and BoudhanilkantaBoudhanilkanta


KHCP supports diverse Kagyü campaigns after the earthquake
  • pokhara JCMonasteryJCMonastery Pokharapokhara JCMonastery Pokhara
  • pokhara kdcGorckapokhara kdc
  • pkimdol tsechu... and other remote areaskimdol tsechu


KHCP supports diverse Kagyü campaigns after the earthquake
  • Transportation KIBI Delhi to KathmanduTransportation KIBI Delhi to KathmanduTransportation KIBI Delhi to Kathmandu
  • NagarkotNagarkotNagarkot
  • ramechhapRamechhapramechhap



!The previous Postbank is still running!

New Donation Account

Account Holder: KHCP e.V.
Sozialbank AG
IBAN: DE34 3702 0500 0020 1467 11
Account No. 20146711 | BIC: BFSWDE33XXX

Or donate one-time or monthly directly here
Online via PayPal

We all are thankful for your generousity in difficult times.