Orphanages Nepal


Orphanages in Nepal - supported by KHCP

Introduction of the Karma Kagyu Orphanages in Nepal:

  • Sertshang Orphanage Home and Orphanage Punarbac Plus of Chogyal Rinpoche
  • Orphanage Spark Children Home in Lalitpur/Kathmandu

Here below the exposes of the three institutions in the Kathmandu area.

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Sertshang Orphanage Home of Chogyal Rinpoche, Swayambhu/Kathmandu

Director: Chogyal Rinpoche
Key Person: Methok Dawa Sherpa

Purpose: HIV infected children

Since 2012 supported by KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project

At the Sertshang Orphanage Home in Kathmandu, 48 children and teenagers, aged 5 to 17, found a loving and safe home. Most of them are orphans, who previously mainly experienced a life of famine, violence and neglect. Few of them were able to attend school.

The orphanage was founded by the tibetan physician Tashi Sertshang and his son Chogyal Rinpoche, who is in charge of. The children are accomodated in two houses with a garden in a serene suburban quarter of Swoyambunath.

The orphanage is managed by two Tibetans, Tenzin Kuntshok, who completed studies in Buddhist philosophy and Methok Lama. They all live together like an extended family, giving the children a feeling of warmth and safety.

Right from the start, they learn to take over responsibility for themselves and the community. The older children take care of the younger ones and they all give a hand in the household and gardening. The orphanage is fully funded by private donations - your support helps to improve their daily lives, their education and guarantee their long-term future perspectives.


Medical condition:
Suspicion of tuberculosis could be dispelled. Dhulikhel Hospital is conducting further observations. Children received a health screening from Dr. Sonam. We found that many of the children are insufficiently vaccinated or not vaccinated at all. We discussed this matter with Chogyal Rinpoche, the director of the orphanage, who agrees to vaccinate the children. None of the children have suffered trauma.

Building condition:
Minimal damage was done to the building – only superficial cracks are visible. Apparently, engineers have examined the property and declared that there was no danger of the building collapsing. Nonetheless, the children are sleeping outdoors out of fear.

  • KHCP Chogyal Rinpoche and his orphansChogyal Rinpoche and his orphansKHCP Chogyal Rinpoche and his orphans
  • KHCP Medical Tour Nepalsleeping outdoor during earthquake 2015KHCP Medical Tour Nepal
  • KHCP neurophysio Tour NepalKHCP-medicalteam visit the disables...KHCP neurophysio Tour Nepal
  • KHCP neurophysio Tour Nepal...and do neuro physio applicationsKHCP neurophysio Tour Nepal




  • KHCP Medical Tour NepalChogyal Rinpoche with KHCP physicians Dr. Angelika and Dr. SonamKHCP Medical Tour Nepal
  • KHCP Medical Tour NepalMeeting with the staffKHCP Medical Tour Nepal
  • KHCP Medical Tour NepalHealth teachings with Dr.SonamKHCP Medical Tour Nepal

Orphanage Punarbac Plus of Chogyal Rinpoche, Swayambhu/Kathmandu

Questionnaire. HIV Orphanage of Chogyal Rinpoche

Director: Chogyal Rinpoche

- No fatalities or injuries during the earthquake.

Number of inhabitants: 27 children, of whom 21 are HIV positive

Medical and social conditions:
The director and founder of the orphanage informs us that those with the HIV infection are being stigmatised and discriminated against.
They have good medical care through the availability of medication and even a psychologist who visits the facilities and works with the children for four hours per week. The main expense is conducting HIV tests as these, unlike the medication, are not state-funded. Money for the orphanage to fund these tests is raised through Western organisations, one being situated in Switzerland. Chogyal Rinpoche also supports the orphanage by sponsoring the food. From now on, by linking the orphanage to Dhulikhel Hospital and by making donations, the KHCP will also offer regular support.

Building condition:
Some damage was caused to the building but it is not considered major. The water tank was destroyed in the earthquake. We decided to finance a new water tank up to the value of 15,000 rupees for which we received a receipt and the promise of a photograph of the installed water tank.




Orphanage Spark Children Home, Lalitpur, Kathmandu

Questionnaire. Sparks Children Home in Lalitpur

Directors: Brigitta and Willi Kröger

- no fatalities or injuries during the earthquake

Number of inhabitants:
13 children are currently living in the children’s home.

Medical and social conditions:
During the earthquake, two children were only mildly injured when a wall collapsed onto them. A boy broke his arm, but he is already recovering without the need for a cast. The second boy suffered from a laceration on his head, but he is also feeling well again. Other than that, the children are healthy and well looked after. Dr. Angelika and Dr. Sonam have examined them. One child has to go to Dhulikhel Hospital for a check-up.

Building conditions:
The building is not badly damaged. There is some repair work that has to be carried out on the top floor. A water tank has been placed in the courtyard while the water supply is interrupted and no clean drinking water is available.

The KHCP will cover the cost of €6,500 for the reconstruction of the building and to repair the water supply. The orphanage will also be supported by the KHCP in the future.

Since 2013 supported by KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project

Private Initiative für verlorene Kinder

2009 nahm eine Gruppe von Privatleuten um den engagierten nepalesischen Geschäftsmann Hira Maharjan spontan 19 Straßenkinder im Alter von vier bis zwölf Jahren in dessen Haus in Patan im Kathmandu-Tal auf. Für fünf Kinder konnten die Familien wiedergefunden werden. Langfristig war diese Gruppe jedoch organisatorisch und finanziell nicht in der Lage, diese spontane Hilfsaktion aufrecht zu erhalten.  

Brigitta Kröger, eine mit Hira befreundete und damals größtenteils in Kathmandu lebende Schweizer Therapeutin, wurde um Hilfe gebeten. Sie sollte helfen, mit ihrer Erfahrung und Energie das Projekt auf dauerhafte und solide Beine zu stellen. Die internationalen Hilfsorganisationen Terre des Hommes und UNICEF standen ihr zu Beginn von Lost Children mit Rat zur Seite. Bald wurde ein nepalesischer gemeinnütziger Verein gegründet und das Projekt als Kinderheim offiziell von der Regierung anerkannt. So wurde das "Spark Children Home" geboren!

Neues Zuhause für Kriegswaisen: Spark Children Home

Lost Children

Die oft traumatisierten nepalesischen Kinder brauchen ein Gefühl der Sicherheit, menschliche Zuwendung und Stärkung ihrer Persönlichkeit. Sie sollen ein neues Zuhause erleben, aber auch beim Kontakt mit noch lebenden Verwandten unterstützt werden.

Neben der Befriedigung der Grundbedürfnisse und der Gesundheitsvorsorge will das Projekt Lost Children eine gute Schulausbildung gewährleisten, bis die Kinder auf eigenen Beinen stehen können.

Inzwischen wurde das von Mr. Hira zur Verfügung gestellte Haus renoviert, Küche, Bäder und Toiletten hergerichtet, Hof und Terrasse nutzbar gemacht und weitere Ausbaumaßnahmen ergriffen. Ein Nepali arbeitet im Spark Children Home als Betreuer und Manager, Praktikanten unterstützen den laufenden Betrieb. Alle Kinder sind in der Schule, die ältesten in der Berufsorientierung.

  • KHCP Medical Tour NepalScreenings for the youngsterKHCP Medical Tour Nepal
  • KHCP Medical Tour NepalHealth teachingsKHCP Medical Tour Nepal
  • KHCP Medical Tour NepalFinal group photoKHCP Medical Tour Nepal



!The previous Postbank is still running!

New Donation Account

Account Holder: KHCP e.V.
Sozialbank AG
IBAN: DE34 3702 0500 0020 1467 11
Account No. 20146711 | BIC: BFSWDE33XXX

Or donate one-time or monthly directly here
Online via PayPal