Checkups Bodhgaya 2013-07

tn120 20130727 bodhgaya checkups 027Checkups and health instructions at Dhargye Chokhor Ling Monastery in Bodhgaya/India
Juli 27, 2013: All lamas and monks of Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and Beru Kyentse Rinpoche organized a KHCP-health checkup in Bodhgaya. After that, the physicians gave heath instructions...

Annual Report 2013

tn120 PDF logoAnnual Report 2013:
KHCP has existed for over eight years now and has carried out tens of thousands of treatments at numerous medical camps in the Himalayas and in Bodhgaya. of our work have now been taken over by Dhulikhel Hospital, the University Hospital of Nepal. We have hired a constant KHCP physician and an assistant. The two of them regularly travel to visit the 24 monasteries and schools to offer medical services. Two small orphanages are also among these destinations...

Medical Camp Kagyu Monlam Bodhgaya 2013

Final flower offering12/2013: 6th KHCP-Medical Camp in Bodhgaya/India
The Kagyu Monlam 2013 took place between December 14 and 20, with thousands of devotees in attendance... For the sixt time this year, the KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project provided free medical checkups and healthcare for participants in the Monlam as well as the local population. Over 2,000 patients were treated by 42 voluntary helpers: physicians, dentists, physiotherapists, Tibetan medicine, acupuncturists, nurses, assistants, organisers and helpers from a total of twelve countries...

Dental-Medical-Wintertour 2013-12

The KHCP-team and the studentsKHCP-Dental-Medical-Wintertour 2013-12 to Takdah/Darjeeling and Kalimpong/India
The KHCP-team provided dental treatments, basical checkups as well as hygiene and dental instructions for Shamarpa´s young students. The team managed hundreds of tooth extractions, fillings, professional cleanings, topical fluoride applications and hygiene and dental instructions.

Note: Inauguration Dhagpo Kagyü Ling in France

tn120 20130613 dhagpo group 2358Note: Inauguration Dhagpo Kagyü Ling in France
The new meditation hall and library of Dhagpo Kagyü Ling has been inaugurated by Shamar Rinpoche. The days after the inauguration Shamar Rinpoche gave a empowerment of Gyalwa Gyamtso, the buddha of Great Compassion in union. Karmapa´s Healthcare Project followed the invitation by Jigme Rinpoche and participates the event.

Checkups KIBI Delhi 2013-03

tn120 20120310 kibi k17groupMarch 9-10, 2013: KHCP-Checkups at K.I.B.I. in New Delhi/India

Like last year, the KHCP again provided medical and dental treatments during Karmapa´s course at KIBI. Some students with gastrointestinal complaints could be treated. At the end our team were lucky to had an audience with Karmapa...

Medical Camp Rumtek 2013-03

tn120 20130306 rumtek medcamp IMG 9493March 4-6,2013: Medical/Dental Camp in Rumtek/Sikkim/India

Our medical team consisted of three physicians and one nurse. Dr.dent. Regina Oettke, the dentist, had more than enough to do. She examined all monks and nuns and treated those who needed treatment. We also examined the 36 students of the neighboring state school, who were really in need of medical care, particularly because none of them had healthy teeth. We carried out a teeth brushing training and hygiene teaching and distributed tooth brushes and tooth paste...

Medical Camp Kalimpong 2013-03


KHCP-Medical/Dental Camp at Shedra Kalimpong/IndiaMarch 03, 2013: KHCP-Medical/Dental Camp at Shedra Kalimpong/India
"We have been welcomed very heartily and hospitable by the students of the Buddhist University Kalimpong. Then the KHCP-team provided medical and dental treatments for everybody here. Regina checked the teeth and did some fillings. More then 50 persons used our offer. Next day we travelled on to Rumtek."

Annual Report 2012

tn120 PDF logoAnnual Report 2012:
The year 2012 was marked by some reorganization, new tasks and various new collaborations. Karmapa’s Healthcare Project is 7 years old now and it is time that our young friends in the East and West take over parts of the work. We have an online-office now... Altogether, more than 100 healthcare professionals and helpers from more than 20 nations and three different continents were travelling volunteerly over the winter... New collaboration between KHCP and Dhulikhel Hospital, we have now the chance to provide broad and permanent healthcare in our Kagyu institutes.

Note: Meeting Kathmandu 2013-02

tn120 20130225 ktm medcamp 522Febr. 25, 2013: Works meeting with Dupsing Rinpoche, Kathmandu/Nepal
In a works meeting the financial reports of the monasteries of Shangpa Rinpoche in Pokhara and Kathmandu were checked by Dupsing Rinpoche and Pia/Peter from KHCP. Furthermore, they talked about the medical plans for 2013. Rinpoche offered to be the contact person for future activities of the KHCP at all four monasteries/nunnery (being in the KHCProject) of Shangpa Rinpoche in Nepal.

Checkups Boudha-Kathmandu 2013-03

tn120 20130302 boudha bkr 669March 02, 2013: Checkups at Beru Kyentse Rinpoche´s Monastery in Boudha/Kathmandu
The KHCP visited Beru Kyentse Rinpoche's monastery in Boudha. The young monks getted examined by the physician, dentist and optician. Anna and Inka (volunteers at place) showed the team around and they talked about the medical situation...

Medical Camp Kathmandu 2013-02

KHCP-Medical- Dental- and Optician Camps at Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche's Mani Gompa in KathmanduKHCP-Medical- Dental- and Optician Camps at Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche's Mani Gompa in Kathmandu
23.2.- 6.3.2013 Due to the fruitful collaboration of the KHCP physicians with the Manang-Social-Services-Committee and their physicians and the cooperation with "Dentist & Friends" from Munich as well as with our optician team, we could again carry out several hundreds of treatments. Patients came from: Manang Lay Society, monks and nuns of Swayambhu, Orphanage "Spark Children Project Kathmandu", Monks of Sang Sang Rinpoche of Lhun Drup Cho Ling Monastery, Sershang Orphanage of Chogyal Rinpoche in Kimdol...