Visit of the new monastery of Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche near Namo Buddha
Venue: Nala Monastery near Namo Buddha,East-Kathmandu/Nepal
Date: Febr. 27, 2012:
The KHCP team visited the construction site of the new monastery of SherabGyaltsen Rinpoche near Dhulikhel (near Namo Buddha, east of Kathmandu). Lama Lekshey and Rangjung Lama welcomed us with a tea ceremony. After that, Rangjung showed us all rooms and premises.
"Dear donors,
after many years of fruitful collaboration with Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche’s institutes we are happy that we are able to equip the children’s rooms in the new monastery with the help of your donations. We were able to hand over 10,000 € of KHCP’s donated funds to Rinpoche for a child-appropriate conception. The conception will be realized in collaboration with the Dhulikhel Hospital after the construction of the monastery has been finished in 2014. For a fruitful continuation, here is the new “Tashi collection” for 40 € per year. As you can see from the current donation chart, we urgently need support."
Welcome tea ceremony in the court of the monastery
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The gompa
The rooms for the children/monks
... Rinpoche offers this room to KHCP for medical actions