Medical-Dental-Camp Healtcare Center Sharminub 2017-08

Medical-Dental-Camp at Healtcare Center at Sharminub Kathmandu
14.Aug. 2017: The KHCP-DHKUH-medical team organized a screening for all habitants of Sharminub Monastery of Shamar Rinpoche as well for local people...

Checkups Bodhgaya 2017-10

Checkups and health instructions at Dhargye Chokhor Ling Monastery in Bodhgaya/India
Oct. 2017: All lamas and monks of Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and Beru Kyentse Rinpoche organized a KHCP-health checkup at our Temple Bodhgaya and other monastery at Mainpat village in Bodhgaya. After that, the physicians gave heath instructions...

Cancer case at Tilopa Buddhist Institute

Fund raising for cancer case at Tilopa Buddhist Institute, Himachal Pradesh/India
School of H.H.Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje

One of this young monks is diagnosed with a bone tumour, Osteosarcoma. ...So we decided to refer to AIIMS Hospital, New Delhi. The hospital offered free chemotherapy before and after the surgery... But for the urgent surgery and for the wheel chair we definitely need to raise funds for him and help him...

Medical-Dental-Optician-Camp at Sangey Choeling Monastery Kathmandu 2016-05

Medical-Dental-Optician-Camp at Sangey Choeling Monastery, Kimdol, Swayambhu/Nepal
Monastery of Lopön Tsechu Rinpoche

May, 2016: All monks of the monastery got a profound checkup and treatment by the KHCP/DHKUH-medical team from Kathmandu ...

Checkups at Healtcare Center Sharminub during Karmapa birthday celebration 2017-05

Checkups at Healtcare Center Sharminub during Karmapa birthday celebration in Kathmandu
May 6, 2017: The KHCP-DHKUH-medical team organized a screening for all participants of the celebration of Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje´s birthday at Sharminub Monastery of Shamar Rinpoche ...

International Karma Kagyu Meeting #3 Monlam Bodhgaya 2017

Third International Karma Kagyu Meeting at Monlam/Bodhgaya 2017
"Dear members of KHCP: We are pleased to invite you to the Third International Karma Kagyu Meeting, to be held in Bodhgaya on 11 and 12 December 2017. This new tradition was established in 2015, with a first symbolic auspicious meeting during that year’s Kagyu Monlam, at the instigation of Thaye Dorje, HH the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, and then continued in 2016..."
The KHCP-team is thankful for this 3rd invitation and will attend this event by our doctors Rinchen (Nepal) and Haußecker (Germany)...

Medical-Dental-Optician-Camp at Lhundrup Choling Monastery Bhudhanilkantha 2016-06

Medicalcamp at Lhundrup Choling Monastery, Bhudhanilkantha in Kathmandu Valley/Nepal of Sang Sang Rinpoche
June, 2016: All monks of the monastery got a profound checkup and treatment by the KHCP/DHKUH-medical team from Kathmandu.

Checkups Bodhgaya 2016-08

Checkups and health instructions at Dhargye Chokhor Ling Monastery in Bodhgaya/India
Aug. 2016: All lamas and monks of Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche and Beru Kyentse Rinpoche organized a KHCP-health checkup in Bodhgaya. After that, the physicians gave heath instructions...

Medical Tour Sikkim 2016-07

Medical Tour to Kalimpong, Darjeeling and Sikkim/India/Westbengal
20.07. - 07.08.2016: Abbreviated travel report of Daniella Bruckmaier (physio and TCM practitioner)...

Note: Inverter for Rumtek school 2016-08

New 220V-Inverter for Kagyu-school in Rumtek/Sikkim/India
August 2016: An inverter has been bouhgt and installed to supply 220V during failures ...."

Checkups Healtcare Center Sharminub 2017-02

Checkups at Healtcare Center at Sharminub Kathmandu
On 5th Febr. 2017 the KHCP-DHKUH-medical team organized a screening for all habitants of Sharminub Monastery. Over the last year more than sixty new children have been accepted into the monastery. By the way the new signboard of the healthcare center had been mounted at the entrance of the Sharminub Monastery...

Medical Camp Takdah 2016-08

KHCP/DHK-Medical- and Optician Camp in Takdah/Darjeeling/India
The KHCP-team provided general and optician treatments as well as hygiene, first aid and dental instructions for Shamarpa´s young students.