The Kagyu Monlam 2017 took place between December 14 and 22, with thousands of devotees in attendance. Many Rinpoches and high lamas graced the event with their presence, led by His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje, first-ranking lama in the Karma Kagyu lineage – His Eminence Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, His Eminence Beru Khyentse Rinpoche, and many others.
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Karmapa Thaye Dorje leading the ceremonies at the Kagyu Monlam
The 10th Anniversary Monlam Medicalcamp of KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project in Bodhgaya
Date: Dec 14-22, 2017
For the 10th time this year, the KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project provided free medical checkups and healthcare for participants in the Monlam as well as the local population. This year a smaller KHCP team consisted of a total of 30 people, all of them voluntary helpers: general practitioners, dentists, physiotherapists, TTM practitioners, acupuncturists, nurses, assistants, organisers and helpers from a total of seven nations.
About 1,800 patients were treated during the Monlam at following places:
- Medical tent at Mahabodhi Temple (Bodhi tree)
- KHCP-clinic at Nyingma Gompa Bodh Gaya
- Mobil treatments at Sikkim Guesthouse
- Info stall at Maha Bodhi Society Hall
We hereby like to thank the Monlam committee for their cooperation and support.
Gyalwa Karmapa and the medical team
On the 6th day the KHCP-medical team had an audience with H.H.Gyalwa Karmapa Trinley Thaye Dorje.
Here the team reported Karmapa about their work and H.H.Karmapa thanked for this activity."
The 3rd International Karma Kagyu Meeting Bodhgaya
In accordance with the wishes of Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, the 3rd International Karma Kagyu Meeting was held in Bodhgaya on 11 and 11 December 2017, just before the Kagyu Monlam.
Representatives from various monastic and lay institutions, dharma centres and social projects from around the world got together for two days of exchange.
Dr. Sonam Rinchen represented the KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project.
Karmapa leads the meeting
Our service at the Bodhi tree
The KHCP has its medical station right here at the Bodhi Tree
Hall of the Maha Bodhi Society
Monks, nuns and Western helpers collaborate at the information stall of the KHCP.
It is also a place to meet all the directors of the schools and monasteries.
KHCP info desk in the hall of the Maha Bodhi Society
Hundreds of general checkups...
...every day
Felix our youngest volunteer...
...doing a great job
Skin treatments
Our medical team at the Bodhi tree
KHCP-Medical room in the Nyingma-Gumpa (hostage for 3000 Kagyü buddhists)
The queue in front of KHCP clinic room
general checkups
skin treatments
Gyalwa Karmapa grants the Chenresig empowerment to over 7000 lay practitioners in Bodh Gaya
Gyalwa Karmapa gives a Chenresig empowerment
... more than 7000 practitioners follow
Karmapa blessing the practitioners
Meeting with Gyalwa Karmapa
On behalf of the team Geert hands over the KHCP-anniversary-cake to H.H.Karmapa
Gyalwa Karmapa and the medical team
In the evening the final dinner with all KHCP helpers from East and West (part of the group)
The next Monlam medical camp in Bodhgaya probably will take place in Dec. 2018 (not yet confirmed).
Doctors, nurses, physio therapists and other volunteers can get in touch with our team directly at place.
A professional photographer is still needed and should contact us before.
See you soon!
Any travel costs and expenses for western volunteers are paid privately.
All activities are carried out voluntarily and the donations are forwarded directly to Karmapa’s monks, nuns and accordingly to KHCP projects in Asia.
To enable the next Monlam Medical Camp
the project is looking for donors (for medicine).
!The previous Postbank is still running!
New Donation AccountAccount Holder: KHCP e.V. |