Likewise last year the KHCP again organized a medicalcamp during Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche's grand Chenresig-accumulation for the 3000 practicioners.
We are glad, that the KHCP-medicalcamp in Kathmandu had been growthed so much. With the fruitful colaboration of the KHCP-physicians with the Manang-Social-Services-Committee and their physicians and the new cooperation with "Dentist & Friends" from Munich as well the launching of our new optician team we could manage plenty hundreds of treatments.
Awesome, that we could inaugurate jointly the new clinic room.
- Manang Gompa Swayambhu of Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpche
- Sershang Orphanage in Kimdol/Kathmandu of Chogyal Rinpoche
We thank all participients from the depth of our heart.
Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche with 3000 buddhist practitioner
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Our clinic room in the new Manang House
local and KHCP-physicians colaborate
Treatment of the Manang people
Physical Therapist Shanti
Organization of timelines
Dr.dent.Daniel and Dr.dent Gisela working at two places
Optician Frauke measures all children´s eyes
... and Martin the elderly people
Sershang Orphanage in Kimdol/Kathmandu
Dr.dent.Gisela and Augustin treating the children of the orphanage
Joint dinner
Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche and the KHCP-team Kathmandu
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