Collaboration of KHCP and Nepal Care
Nov 10, 2019
This colaboration based on a long friendship of Lama Nyima and Pia-Peter.
Already in Febr. 2007 they did the traditional four-stupa-pilgrimage tour together with Lama Chöpenla.
This tour were advised by Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche to do for the benefit of Hannah Nydahl.
During the Karmapa Course 2019 at Dhagpo Ling France following a work meeting with Lama Nyima and the directors of Nepal Care as well as Peter and Pia founders of the KHCP-Karmapa Healthcare Project happens. Both sides decided to develop joint actions. Peter and Pia asked to visit and follow up on KHCP’s actions in the field. That’s why Nyima will do a tour in Nepal for KHCP in 2020. KHCP donated € 6,000 to Nepal Care to fund the Deurali Women’s Training Program.
KHCP donated € 6,000 to Nepal Care to fund the Deurali Women’s Training Program. Thus we will be able to train them and develop a range of quality products and a brand to bring them financial autonomy and help them improve their living conditions. Their products will be mainly intended for the European market. They decided to use the first revenues to improve the village’s sewerage system. We are very happy with this collaboration between our two associations.
Thanks to Peter and Pia for their generosity, the entire Nepal Care team is very honored and happy to work with KHCP for the well being of the Nepali people
Suite à notre rencontre avec Peter et Pia fondateurs de l’association KHCP-Karmapas Healthcare Project, nous avons décidé de développer des actions en communs.
Peter et Pia nous ont demandé de visiter et faire un suivi des actions de KHCP sur le terrain. C’est pourquoi Nyima va faire une tournée au Népal financée par KHCP en 2020.
KHCP a fait un don de 6000€ à Nepal Care pour financer le programme de formation des femmes de Deurali. Ainsi nous allons pouvoir les former et développer une gammes de produits de qualité et une marque pour leur apporter une autonomie financière et les aider à améliorer leurs conditions de vie.Leurs produits seront destinés principalement au marché européen. Elles ont décidé de se servir des premiers revenus pour améliorer le réseaux d’évacuation des eaux usées du village.
Nous sommes très heureux de cette collaboration entre nos deux associations.
Merci à Peter et Pia pour leur générosité, toute l’équipe de Nepal Care est très honorée et heureuse de travailler avec KHCP pour le bien être du peuple népalais
Collaboration of KHCP and Nepal Care
Subject: Nepal Care Health Post project
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2018 10:53:12 +0545
From: Nepal Care Association <
Hello Peter and Pia
Thank you for your support and message,
I hope you have all our updates from Facebook about the Health Post building project on village of Nepal.
Our humanitarian trek to build health post has just finished on 18th April and i am still in kathmandu for some days.
To speak about project details, It cost around 11500 Euro and still administration in france, is in need of 4000 euro more which is necessary to complete that project.
There is still not any availability of sufficient medicine and good doctor ,somehow we try to arrange now with some health assistant for start.
We hope from the generosity of yours , hopefully everything will be fulfilled.
With much gratitude, personally me, and Nepal Care Association will appreciate your invaluable support both donation and logistic rendered by KHCP-Karmapa Healthcare Project for the participation on this Health post building Project.