Beru Kyentse Rinpoche´s Monastery in Boudha/Kathmandu
" In the end of September I visited Beru Khentse Rinpoche's monastery in Boudha. There are 36 joung monks, about 10 older monks and a bunch of foreign students. Inka, a German student, and Pasang had asked KHCP for help and possibly a camp in the spring. At the monastery Pasang and Inka showed me around and we talked about the medical situation. With the big group of energetic little monks there seem to be a fair amount of smaller and bigger accidents. Most of which are treated in the hospital due to a lack of first aid knowledge. Even though we reorganised and added on to the "First Aid Basket", Pasang mentioned that they visit the hospital once or twice a week. Ironically the day after I left, a boy broke his arm and needed surgery. Besides injuries, other illnesses such as stomach flue, skin disease and headaches are mostly taken to the hospital. Pasang makes sure that the monks take care of their body hygiene, but Inka brought up that especially the younger ones would benefit from a dental check up...
Warm greetings from Kathmandu"
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Anna and Lama Pasang
the young monks in the class