KHCP at the FIL artist festival in Pollenca/Majorca, August 10-21, 2011
More than 80 artists exhibited their performances on this festival. On behalf of the FIL-organisation, the three artists Antonia Borras, Aina Cifre and Miguel Angel Albis supported Karmapa´s Healthcare Project by selling screen printings which were composed for this occasion. All income generated will be used by 100% for medical support of Tibetan monks and nuns in the Himalayas. The exhibition took place in the Cán Llobera/Placa Vell and during the 10 days plenty visitors enjoyed the art installations as well the photos, video presentations and the information desk of Karmapa´s project.
By the way both the 3 artists and Pia and Peter from the KHCP had an one hour live interview with Radio Pollenca.
On the ultimate day the spanish TV produced a "Take" in our exhibition rooms.
We are grateful to our friends in Pollenca and to the village of Pollenca itself.
Enlarge the pictures
by mouseover or click!
- Antonia Borras opens the festival
- The 3 artists and the KHCP-representatives
- After hanging up all pictures
- Vernissage with the KHCP
- Radio interview with the KHCP