KHCP-Tour Stopover #1
Febr. 16-17, 2010: KHCP-works meeting and film presentation at Shamar Rinpoche´s school in Takdah/Darjeeling/India.
Accompanied by headmaster Lungrik we get an actual picture from the location.
The healthcare project is excellently fulfilled. Each student keeps his own healthcare notebook. Unfortunately, the school is very poor, they lack the basic necessities. So we decide to raise a clothes donation (further details later on; compare KIBI-report).
In addition the school receives money for a water purufication plant.
Together we enjoy watching films and pictures of Bodhgaya, Europe and the KHCP.
After joining the Great Mahakala Puja we travel on to Kalimpong.
- Darjeeling Himalaya Railway-Station in Siliguri
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- The tea plantations with view on Takdah (1700m NN)
- March up to the school
- Garden of the Shri Diwakar Vihara
- Peter hands over the new photo of Karmapa for the school
- Lungrik shows Pia and Karma Sherab the KHCP-recording book of actions... here all actions, physician’s reports and expenses are recorded
- The students perform Mahakala Puja
- In the night we enjoy watching films and pictures of KHCP