Venue: Shri Divakar Vihara, Shedra (Buddh.University) of
Kalimpong/Westbengal/India (1170m asl)
Karmapas university (Shedra) in Kalimpong:
Two-hours tour by jeep from Takdah to Kalimpong.
The Shedra, which was founded by Sharmapa, is by now attended by 124 Students. 34 of them will receive their diploma within the next days. Our prospective Khenpos have invited us for their graduation ceremony.
But for now, let’s take a look at activities:
The three-day Mahakala Puja will start soon and there is a lot to plan.
Karma Sherab and Sero introduce us to Karma Ngeleg and Ngawang Tharchin. Both are supposed to continue the work of KHCP in the future. The students resolve to write little reports on healthcare and life in the Shedra in the future. A photographer and a journalist are quickly found. They will contribute to livelier presentation on the KHCP-webpage.
After the account of the financial means it is agreed on to set up a budget plan for this year.
It is resolved that the students shall become socially active now. They want to open their next medial camp in summer for the people who are living in the vicinity of the shedra. Our journalists will surely be reporting on this.
A part of the budget had to be designated to keeping up health care locations.
The water purification system needs renovation.
Finally, we watch films and slide shows on Kalimpong and KHCP, enjoying the great Mahakala puja.
Thereafter, we travelled on to Rumtek,Sikkim.
Meeting with KHCP-youngsters
KHCP-film evening
Mahakala offering
Karma Tenzin translates the KHCP lettering into tibetan
Good portable water...
...from the water purification system
A profile of the Shedra is >>published here<< .
Pictures taken at the concluding >> Khenpo-ceremony with Shamar Rinpoche are located here <<
We happily congratulate!
Short information:
- about 130 students
- 10yr training as a Khenpo at Karmapa's university
We cordially thank all the students for these wonderful days.
"Captain" and Karma Sherab says goodbye to us