KHCP-EU-Tour #11
May 26- 31, 2010: Karma Guen/Spain:
At Karma Guen there was a film presentation and an information desk. Many thanks to the Gomez family.
Again, we had a conversation of great importance with Shamar Rinpoche.
Rinpoche assigned major projects to the KHCP and thanked us for the successful work. He showed great enthusiasm for the new website and enabled a direct link from He highlighted the importance of supporting Karmapa’s social activities, representing them and promoting them world wide.
KHCP-EU-Tour #12
May 29, 2010: Information desk at the Stupa Benalmadena/Spain:
The KHCP would like to thank Maggy Lehnert for her support.
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- The little ones are especially helpful to Tashi the bear and his work for the children in Asia
- KHCP-information desk
- Shamar Rinpoche gives teachings on meditation...
- After the KHCP presents the work of the project through film...
- ...and internet streaming.
- Shamar Rinpoche arrives Benalmadena
- Shamar Rinpoche and the major of Benalmadena