KHCP-Dental- and Optician Camp at K.I.B.I. in New Delhi/India
First aid and hygiene teaching
Pia and Peter explaining how the KHCP functions
Late February our physicians Susanne and Philip gave first aid and hygiene teaching to the residential monks of the KIBI. Later, short before Karmapa´s course, the KHCP-team provide profound eye examinations and dental treatments (23 patients, 17 fillings, 5 extractions, 15 calculus).
Pia and Peter had a long works meeting with Jigme Rinpoche (Secretary of H.H.Karmapa). Rinpoche emphasized the importance of this social project of Karmapa and he renewed the KHCP as the leading project in the charity/health section and together they talked about the new duties.
Pia and Peter had a long works meeting with Jigme Rinpoche (Secretary of H.H.Karmapa). Rinpoche emphasized the importance of this social project of Karmapa and he renewed the KHCP as the leading project in the charity/health section and together they talked about the new duties.
Karmapa gave teachings, initiation and meditate with the people
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Opticians Frauke and Martin provided eye examinations
Dr.dent.Gisela and Dr.dent.Daniel with helpers
A part of the KHCP-team met the Karmapa and reported about the winter-tour