Medical Camp Kalimpong 2008-08


Aug. 2008:  KHCP-Medical Camp at Shedra Kalimpong/India

Venue: Shri Divakar Vihara, Shedra (Buddh.University) of
            Kalimpong/Westbengal/India (1170m asl)

The 120 students at Karmapa´s Mahavihar (University) in Kalimpong did their first self-organized medicalcamp.
All monks of the University got a profound check and treatment. The dentist who worked for the KHCP since 3 years, a classical doctor and a doctor for tibetian medicine did a great job.

We would like to thank all helpers and specially Tsero and Karma Sherab, who leads our Healthcare-Project here in Kalimpong.

This is only possible with your donations - thank you.


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  • KHCP Medical lecture to all studentsKHCP Medical lecture to all students
  • KHCP Medical lecture to all studentsKHCP Medical lecture to all students