Thank-you letters by KIBI, Nepal Care Association and Rumtek nuns (Karma Chokhor Dechen Ling)
to KHCP Karmapa Healthcare Project:
from: karma pega <
to: Peter+Pia Cerveny - KHCP-Karmapa Healthcare Project <
Date: 29. Mai 2018 at 12:05
Subject: HealthCare Money 2018
Dear Pia and Peter,
A warm Tashi Delek to you. I hope you both are in good health. Here in nunnery we all nuns are fine and doing good. Weather over here is also good. Now rainy season has almost started. We all the nuns would like to thank you for your kind support. We received your €.2000/- via Karmapa Charitable Trust for nuns health care. Its really helpful to us.
We are following our daily routine smoothly. Now our nuns are quite busy for preparing their half yearly examination and in practising their Buddhist musical instruments. We had also started three days puja for HH Shamar Rinpoche.
Once again thank you for your continuing supporting for us.

With love and warm regards
Ani Tsultrim and nuns
Sent from my iPhone
from: KIBI Administration <
to: Pia <
Date: 7. Mai 2018 um 11:41
Subject: Annual Report of Karmapa Health Care Project (KIBI)
Dear Pia and Peter La,
Many greeting from KIBI!
Started in the year 2005, the Karmapa Healthcare Project (KHCP) primarily aims to serve and provide practical support for all the Kagyu monasteries found in India. Our monastery is also to be counted among the many Kagyu monasteries, and our Lamas health has been taken care of thanks to this initiative. Our KIBI Karmapa International Buddhist Institute and especially our Lamas would like to extend our full gratitude for this support coming from the Karmapa Healthcare Project.
For this year’s report, we are glad to welcome two new monks that have been accepted within the monastic community by our authorities.

Thanks to the Karmapa Healthcare Project, we have been able to provide health insurance coverage for all our monks, and we would like to inform you that your continued support is allowing us to provide health insurance for the two newest members of our monastic community as well.
With our heartfelt gratitude and profound respect, Thank you!
With Regards,
Skarma Ishey Jungnes, General Secretary (KIBS)
Subject: Nepal Care Health Post project
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2018 10:53:12 +0545
From: Nepal Care Association <
Hello Peter and Pia
Thank you for your support and message,
I hope you have all our updates from Facebook about the Health Post building project on village of Nepal.
Our humanitarian trek to build health post has just finished on 18th April and i am still in kathmandu for some days.
To speak about project details, It cost around 11500 Euro and still administration in france, is in need of 4000 euro more which is necessary to complete that project.
There is still not any availability of sufficient medicine and good doctor ,somehow we try to arrange now with some health assistant for start.
We hope from the generosity of yours ,Hopefully everything will be fulfilled.
With much gratitude, personally me ,and Nepal Care Association will appreciate your invaluable support both donation and logistic rendered by KHCP-Karmapa Healthcare Project for the participation on this Health post building Project.

I pray that your every nobel wish be fulfilled.
Please find the details of bank account and facebook links.
I will send you receipt of your donation when i arrived in france.
With friendship, Lama Nyima