Thank-you letters by KIBI, BIA Association disabled, Sertchang Orphanage
to KHCP Karmapa Healthcare Project:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: KHCP 2019/20 Letter
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2019 17:16:15 +0530
From: KIBI Administration <
To: Pia <
Dear Pia and Peter,
Tashi Deleg and many greetings from KIBI!
This letter is intended to express our deepest appreciation regarding your generosity and care towards our Institution.
Thanks to KHCP and its sponsors, we have been able to provide health insurance coverage for all our monks and on top of that you supplemented minor expenses throughout the years. We, Karmapa International Buddhist Institute (KIBI), are very grateful for your support. Your project is efficient and well run.
We appreciate everything you’ve done for us and all the other monasteries and Institutions more than you’ll ever know.
From our side we wish you both good health and longevity!
With our gratitude and profound respect; Thank you!
Skarma Ishey Jungnes
General Secretary (KIBS)

BIA Sertchang Orphanage sent a nice thanks-letter to KHCP-Karmapa Healthcare Project.