Info for Donors - Banking Issue

!!! IMPORTANT Announcement !!!

Hallo friends and donors,

since 1st of July our Postbank switched to a new banking platform on their server.
Since that moment all incoming donation transfers to KHCP failed because of directly transfering back to the donors.
And also we self can not transfer any money for paying bills or supply our medical campaigns.

We immediatly contacted Postbank (part of the Deutsche Bank) over all possible ways but they never answered.
Now also our lawyer could not come in contact with the bank!
He informed the german banking super vision BaFin and even this institution did not reply.

So it looks like we are facing a fundamental bank scandal.

Now we have open a new bank account since 25.Sept.2023.

!All permanent donors have to change their monthly/yearly order with following bank datas!

Bank: Sozialbank AG
Account Name: KHCP e.V.
IBAN: DE34 3702 0500 0020 1467 11
Account No. 
20 1467 11


Please realize that for our project and all the supported people it is elementary to get back the regularely income of donations.
So it would be great you could send also your last retransfered amounts onto the new account.

2.nd option generally is using Paypal:

The link you find here over KHCP-Donation-Infopage
or directly here at Paypal >>  PAYPAL - Secure Payments

Over the 2nd link you can also initialize as Permanent Monthly Order (in case you had one and like to continue).
Thank you for your patience and especially for your generous donations.
Please inform us by email how you made it.

Heartfelt greetings here by Pia and Peter Cerveny
(Board of KHCP-Karmapa´s Healthcare Project)

Since December the previous Postbank account is reactivated and works for donors who are still there.
But for new donors we would like to advise to use the new Sozialbank account.