Annual Report 2023 of KHCP
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Febr 17, 2024
Dear KHCP friends worldwide
in 2023 we could raised a total of about 75.407 €uro (before final proof) and – like in all the previous years – these funds will be or already are swiftly allocated to their purpose.
We hereby thank our supporters from our very hearts.
From June on we suddenly had no more income of donations because our Postbank switched to a new banking platform on their server. Since that moment we lost all incoming donation because their system directly transfered back every donation to the donors.
And also we self could not transfer any money for paying bills or supply our medical campaigns.
We immediatly contacted Postbank (part of the Deutsche Bank) over
all possible ways but they never answered. Then also our lawyer could not come in contact with the bank!
He informed the german banking super vision BaFin and even this institution did not reply.
This went on until December when the Postbank account got reactivated and works again for donors who are still there. So in this six month we lost more than 30.000 Euros which we usually get in that periode.
Since 25.Sept.2023 we have a new bank account and for new donors we advise to use this new Sozialbank account!
!All permanent donors should change their monthly/yearly order with following bank datas!
Bank: Sozialbank AG
Account Name: KHCP e.V.
IBAN: DE34 3702 0500 0020 1467 11
Account No. 20 1467 11
Please realize that for our project and all the supported people it is elementary to get the regularely income of donations. Nevertheless we all do our very best to keep the activities of KHCP alive.
This year after four years of COVID-19 restrictions we slowly came back to our campaigns and processes in Asia.
So also with our traditional annual medical camp at Kagyu Monlam – our 16th , now again in Bodhgaya at the Bodhi tree. This time our international team served more than 1000 patients in coperation with Khyenkong Tharjay Manjughosha Association.
A special thank to Dr. Regis Proust / K.T.M. Association for all hard-working and tireless campaigns and cooperation with KHCP in Bodhgaya areas.
Along the inflows in our monasteries and institutions we have tried to support actively our friends in the monasteries but also poor or old people around the monasteries.
With different reliefs in diverse remote villages we could serve food, masks, desinfection, hygiene items, blankets etc. stuff.
Monks and nuns of the Kagyu monasteries at place organized and realized it all and we are happy and hereby thank them for their great engagements.
The mayor KHCP campaigns done in 2023:
The mayor KHCP campaigns done in 2023:
- 16th KHCP Medical Camp at Kagyu Monlam in Bodhgaya/India
- KHCP-Medicalcamp at Sharminub Kathmandu
- Joint Food Ration Charity Distribution of KHCP and K.J.K.W. Public Charitable Trust for Village of Baijan Bigha/India
- Joint medical camp of KHCP and K.J.K.W. Public CharitableTrust at Mainpat Temple in Chhattisgarh/India
- KHCP-Medicalcamp at Dhargye Chokhor Ling Monastery in Bodhgaya/India
Here further supports and annual health-budgets of KHCP in 2023:
- Buddhist Research and Educational Institute – Shedra, Kalimpong/Westbengal
- Shri Diwakar Vihara Buddhist Institut, School in Takdah Cantt /Distr.Darjeeling/Westbengal
- KIBI Institut in New Delhi / India Health-Budget for KIBI monks / via KIBS Germany e.V.
- Cooperation with Association Khyenkong Tharjay Manju in Bodhgaya Fund for medical campaigns of our cooperation around Bodhgaya / India
- Monastery/School of Nedo Rinpoche in Rumtek/Sikkim/India
- Karmae Sangha in Rumtek/Sikkim/India (Shamar Rinpoche)
- Karma Chokhor Dechen Ling Nunnery in Rumtek/Sikkim/India ( H.H.Gyalwa Karmapa)
- Bodhgaya clinic room and campaigns at Dhargye Chokhor Ling Monastery of Beru Khyentse Rinpoche
- Ka-Ten Namgyal Ling Monastery in Rumtek/Sikkim/India
- Sharminub in Raniban / Kathmandu via Infinite Compassion Deutschland e.V
- Hasantar Nunnery of Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche in Kathmandu /Nepal
- Dagpho Shedrub Ling Monastery/School of Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche in Nala /Nepal
- JCM Jangchub Choeling Monastery in Pokhara / Nepal (Dupsing Rinpoche)
- Nunnery Muktinath / Mustang / Nepal (Dupsing Rinpoche)
- Monastery Swayambhu in Kathmandu/Nepal (Shamar Rinpoche)
- B.I.A. Foundation Disabled (Chogyal Rinpoche) - Disabled Project near Boudhanath/Kathmandu
- B.I.A. Foundation Serchang Orphanage (Chogyal Rinpoche) in Swayambhu/Kathmandu
Throughout the year, we provide you with detailed reports on our work here on our website or look here www.facebook.com/karmapahealthcareproject
Since last year we launched a new Instagram channel where we will continiously offer images of the last 18 years of KHCP (the gallery is mixed with healthcare and Kagyu pics - often we did medical camps during empowerments/teachings etc.).
Enjoy and FOLLOW www.instagram.com/khcp_official
For 2024, we need again a minimum of 100,000 Euros to be able to provide the most basic of medical treatments and supports.
Please be so kind and look if you are able to establish a standing donation order – it will benefit plenty friends in the Himalayas.
Our deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to every supporter!
Pia and Peter, the KHCP team
and the board of directors of Karmapa's Healthcare Project e.V.
!The previous Postbank is still running!
New Donation AccountAccount Holder: KHCP e.V. |