Annual Report 2020 of KHCP
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Dear KHCP friends worldwide
this last year was a difficult one for the wordwide community and likewise for our Kagyu family.
Nevertheless we all do our very best, as well the KHCP try to keep the activities alive.
Despite we could raised a total of about 126.372 €uro and – like in all the previous years – these funds will be or already are swiftly allocated to their purpose. We hereby thank our supporters from our very hearts.
Due to COVID-19 we have modified our campaigns and processes. Along the inflows in our monasteries and institutions we have tried to support actively the COVID-affected and poor or old people around the monasteries.
With different reliefs in Kathmandu, Pokhara, Kalimpong, Rumtek, Sharminub and diverse villages in Darjeeling and Sikkim we could serve food, masks and desinfection stuff.
Monks and nuns of the Kagyu monasteries at place organized and realized it all and we are happy and hereby thank them for their great angagements.
And also our heartfelt wish is to help suffering animals. So we could share food to the monkeys at the Stupa Swayambhu because they hunger due to missing tourists nowadays. The same with plenty of dogs at Boudhanath Stupa - they also got medical care.
Thanks to Andrea Brinkmann / Street Dog Care e.V. and Magda Jung / White Grain Foundation for their hard-working and tireless campaigns and cooperation with KHCP in Kathmandu.
The annual Kagyu Monlam in December had been canceled (COVID) and therefore the KHCP-medical camp too.

Instead the KHCP-Monlam-Medical-Camp 2020 had been successful again in Rumtek/Sikkim.
So this year the Kagyu community of Karmae Sangha Rumtek (Shamarpa´s school) hired professional doctor and nurses to provide free medical checkups and healthcare for participants in the Monlam as well as the local population.
So we are very happy to get fulfilled the continuity of the Monlam medical camp history of KHCP - Karmapa´s Healthcare Project for the 13th time.
The mayor KHCP campaigns done in 2020:
- Dec.16-22,2020: 13th KHCP Medical Camp Kagyu Monlam Rumtek/Sikkim
- COVID-19 KHCP Relief in Tintek, East Sikkim, India
- April-November: Diverse COVID19-relief campaigns of KHCP and White Grain Foundation
- Oct 08: COVID19-relief campaign of KHCP and Diwakar Buddhist Academy Kalimpong (Shedra)
- August 19: COVID19-relief campaign of KHCP and Sertshang Orphanage Home (Chogyal Rinpoche)
- August 11: COVID19-relief campaign of KHCP and Kagyu Sangha Rumtek on 2nd Birthday
Commemorations of of H.E.Thugsey Jigme Chokyi Trinley - August 11: COVID19-relief campaign of Diwakar Buddhist Academy (Shedra) Kalimpong and KHCP on
2nd Birthday of H.E.Thugsey Jigme Chokyi Trinley - May 06: KHCP Food for 100 poor people for 14 days
at Sharminub Retreat Center Raniban/Kathmandu on Karmapa´s Birthday.
Along with standard transfers KHCP transfered following COVID-related donation money:
- Association Khyenkong Tharjay Manju Bodhgaya/India (Beru Khyentse Rinpoche)
Health budget for Bodhgaya Clinic - Jangchub Choeling Monastery - Pokhara/Nepal (Dupseng Rinpoche)
Budget for afflicted families around the monastery - B.I.A. Foundation Disabled (Chogyal Rinpoche)Health budget for Chogyal Rinpoche´s disabled near Boudhanat, also used for buying masks for police staff and medical teams and for new mattresses
- B.I.A. Foundation Orphanage (Chogyal Rinpoche)
Health budget for Chogyal Rinpoche´s Orphanage at Swayambhu/Kathmandu - Girls Empowered By Travel Assoc. Via PaBitra MajhiFood Poor People/Pragnant Women
- White Grain Foundation Kathmandu/Nepal 3 days food for 1000 people … and further food campaigns
- Street Dog Care e.V. in Kathmandu/NepalAnimal Healthcare and Food
- White Grain Foundation Kathmandu/Nepal- Support Animal Health Care and food
- Apple Umail - Animal Feeding at Boudhanath stupa and Swayambhu stupa Kathmandu:
300 kg of rice for 1.000 dogs per day for a whole week!
Throughout the year, we provide you with detailed reports on their work here on our website or connect with
If you want to take part in this unique experience in the future, just contact us at
For 2021, we need to collect a minimum of 100,000 Euros a year to be able to provide the most basic of medical treatments.
Please be so kind and look if you are able to establish a standing donation order – it will benefit plenty friends in the Himalayas. Our deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to every supporter!
Yours, Pia and Peter, the KHCP team and the board of directors of Karmapa's Healthcare Project e.V.

!The previous Postbank is still running!
New Donation AccountAccount Holder: KHCP e.V. |