Annual Report 2019 of KHCP
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Dear KHCP friends, April 04, 2020
a total of about 88.300 €uro was raised and – like in all the previous years – these funds will be swiftly allocated to their purpose. We hereby thank our supporters from our very hearts.
From November 2019 onwards we put the responsibility for health care into the hands of all monasteries, nunneries and orphanages. They will get their annual medical budgets directly from KHCP. The amount will be distributed per person.
Everybody is free to choose his own doctor or hospital for his treatments and every group is self-responsible to manage their financial basket. BIA and Sharminub got a budget for a nurse.
Hereby we like to thank the Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital with its Director Prof. Dr. Ram Sheestra for the cooperation in this periode of 2012-2019.
A special thank to our responsible KHCP doctor Dr. med. Sonam Rinchen (full-time hired by KHCP from Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital) for his great work during this periode. We wish him good luck for his further projects.
The KHCP-Mönlam-Medical-Camp 2019 in Bodhgaya/India had been successful again.
This year a team of 30 voluntary helpers from East and West treated thousands of patients:
general practitioners, TTM practitioners, physiotherapists, acupuncturists, nurses, assistants, organisers and helpers from a total of six nations. Now over 12 years we have been reliable and have enable more than 39.000 treatments for participants in the Monlam as well as the local population.For the first time we cooperated and used the brandnew clinic room of Beru Kyentse Rinpoche in Bodhgaya. We will support this project for the next year. We like to thank Dr. Regis Proust for his confidence.
Also this time Karmapa took the time to hold the 5th Karma Kagyu Meeting with all leaders of Karma Kagyu Institutes and Projects. Our medical camp members Nurse Christa and Geert represented the KHCP.
The mayor KHCP campaigns done in 2019:
- Jan.: Heart-OP at Dhulikhel Hospital Kathmandu University Hospital
- Febr. 01-21: KHCP-Nepal-Tour 2019 to most of the monasteries, nunneries, institutes and orphanages
of the KHCP-health program - April 11: Medical-Camp and education program at KHCP-Healtcare Center at Sharminub Institute Kathmandu
- May 16,: Microscopic Tuberculosis (TB) at KHCP-Healtcare Center at Sharminub Kathmandu
- July 29: KHCP-DHK-Medical-Dental Camp at Dhagpo Sheydrub Ling Monastery in Nala/Nepal
- Oct.: Checkups and health instructions at Dhargye Chokhor Ling Monastery in Bodhgaya/India
- Dec.10-22: The 12th KHCP-Medical Camp in Bodhgaya/India /
KHCP at International Karma Kagyu Meeting in Bodhgaya/India
Throughout the year, we provide you with detailed reports on their work here on our website or connect with
If you want to take part in this unique experience in the future, just contact us at
For 2019, we need to collect a minimum of 100,000 Euros a year to be able to provide the most basic of medical treatments.
Please be so kind and look if you are able to establish a standing donation order – it will benefit plenty friends in the Himalayas. Our deepest appreciation and heartfelt thanks to every supporter!
Yours, Pia and Peter, the KHCP team and the board of directors of Karmapa's Healthcare Project e.V.

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